The GCIC Spotlight – Nasam Brand Enterprise

  • Reduced consumption of firewood / cooking fuel
  • Potentially saving families up to 15% of their valuable household income
  • Improved building indoor health
  • WHO’s estimate that indoor smoke is responsible for 1.9 million deaths in Africa annually
  • Time saving, due to less time spent collecting fuel and more efficient and quicker cooking process
  • Reduced deforestation

Bringing it home, NASAM’s affordable gas stoves have gone a long way to improve LPG penetration, which reduces the dependence on biomass related fuels. NASAM’s wood and charcoal stoves have been rigourously tested and have an impressive thermal efficiency of 33% and 30% respectively, culminating in more than 67% fuel savings.  NASAM has been able to significantly contribute to CO2 emissions avoided, which improved from 7,849 metric tons to 62,791 metric tons in 3 months, primarily due to the award of a sub-contract for the supply of 24,000 cookstoves.

The Ghana Climate Innovation Centre supports NASAM with tools and machinery to improve its production capacity, scale and improve its production processes (including ensuring the health and safety of workers), especially so that it can meet significant and growing demand for cookstoves from a key client.

Partnering on journeys, like the one we have had with NASAM, make us excited about our next group of cohorts and the projects and interventions we will all be working on.