GCIC’s Cohort 6 Women Entrepreneurs Transformation Programme (WETP)

Against this background, Self-Leadership provided participants with tools on how to grow their leadership skills by empowering themselves to know who they are, learn the power of their voice, and also inspire leadership in those around them.

Skilful Parenting taught mothers how to raise healthy well-adjusted children. Participants learnt to recognize potential threats and developmental challenges and received tips on how to deal with them. Topics included child development, understanding temperament, communicating with your children, and instilling self-esteem and values.

The Relationship workshop was about building and growing rewarding relationships at work and designing fulfilling bonds at home. Participants were taught how to appreciate themselves and better communicate what they want to those around them, both at work and at home.

Watch this space for more on the WETP and how GCIC is levelling the playing field for its cohort members.