Fibre Wealth: Transforming Coconut Waste Into A Green Revolution

In the realm of environmental entrepreneurship, Fibre Wealth stands as a trailblazer pioneering the conversion of coconut waste into Cocopeat —a remarkable growth medium that replaces conventional soil for crop and vegetable cultivation. Co-founder George Edu Annan attributes their success to a pivotal collaboration with the Ghana Climate Innovation Centre (GCIC) as it helped address quality and standardization issues, as well as human resource, and organizational structure challenges that once hindered their growth and client engagement.

Since aligning forces with GCIC, Fibre Wealth has undergone a remarkable metamorphosis, propelled by visionary support from the incubation program and a comprehensive suite of services that have empowered the company to flourish.

Masterclasses led by subject matter experts, covering design thinking, ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance), and commercial acumen, augmented their industry knowledge and business acumen. Access to the Coursera e-learning platform, enabled them to complete specialized courses in macroeconomics, recruiting strategy, and business growth strategy; effectively addressing HR as well as administration and file management challenges. A dedicated portfolio manager provided invaluable mentorship, guiding the enterprise across various facets of their business to drive efficiency and inspire growth. This support extended to the implementation of proper accounting systems and the development of master templates for documenting all processes, formalizing employee contracts, and articulating a clear vision, mission, and niche.

At the end of their collaboration with GCIC, Fibre Wealth successfully secured a grant to boost technology and product development, reinforcing their innovative concepts.