Amdiya Abdul Latif – Eco Me

The GCIC Women Entrepreneurs Transformation Program (WETP) offered by the GCIC Incubator has been a profound journey of personal growth and empowerment for me.

Balancing the responsibilities of marriage, parenthood, and household management is a priority and also a significant aspect of my daily life. Alongside familial duties, I am deeply committed to leading my business, Eco-Me. The burdens of seeking perfection at home and in the business left me constantly overwhelmed.

However, through the insightful sessions provided by the GCIC Business Incubation, I have experienced a profound shift in my perspective and approach towards self-care and leadership. One of the most impactful realizations I’ve had because of attending the WETP masterclasses, is the understanding that to effectively lead others, I must first take care of myself. This has been liberating, allowing me to shed the armor of fear that I had unknowingly donned, and to embrace a more compassionate and balanced approach to life. The GCIC also offered me unique, one-on-one sessions with Dr. Amanobea Boateng, the Incubator’s Gender Adviser. This created a safe space for me to share and connect, galvanizing me to embrace the importance of refraining from criticism, condemnation, complaints, and judgment – a principle that has since become guiding pillars in my life.