Gaia Greenfields Limited

Abdallah Smith holds an MSc degree from Lund University’s Environmental Studies and Sustainability Science program from which he grew and cultivated his passion for nurturing and facilitating sustainable connections between society and nature. Before which, he obtained his Bachelor’s degree as a Political Science Major and double minored in International Development and Global Environmental Studies at Clark University, Massachusetts. Tracy Asamoah-Boateng has an indefatigable passion for environmental sustainability. This culminated in her pursuit of a bachelor’s degree in Environmental Science at the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST) in Kumasi-Ghana and completed in 2015. As her passion grew, it became part of her lifestyle and unflinching quest to contribute her quota in mitigating environmental degradation, she further pursued a master’s degree in Sustainable Environmental Management at the University of Greenwich in the UK in 2016/2017 academic year. Her aspiration came into fruition as she was awarded a full scholarship from the Commonwealth Scholarship Commission, UK.

Gaia Greenfields Limited is an agri-business company concerned with integrating sustainable tech and practices into West African agriculture. We work with the premise that modern agriculture cannot be replicated on the African continent if we are to work towards a climate-resilient world. So African agri-businesses must leap-frog and adopt more sustainable practices in growing the food/commodities that will feed/cloth/beautify the world today and tomorrow. Gaia Greenfields is also focused on establishing relationships along the agriculture value chain. It is our belief that by doing agriculture, we will be in a better position to act as a resource to farmers across the region. That is, a resource in finding markets, accessing capital, building capacity and increasing yield/income. Gaia Greenfields was founded in 2018 by Abdallah Smith and Tracy Asamoah-Boateng and has since gone on to develop a green pepper and cabbage farm on a 10-acre plot, semi irrigated using solar-powered irrigation systems.